Site Inspection

Objective: It allows user to conduct and record observations found during site inspection for a particular location in a plant & recommend action items in the system.

Below steps to be followed to complete a site inspection report:

  1. Conduct Site Inspection : Inspection shall be conducted against location by “Plant HS Team/ Plant Env Team” which includes includes Fire Fighting, Environment, EHSMS and Admin, Health, Safety Role.
  2. Review Site Inspection by HOD : "Head Of Department” will review observations once it’s reported. “Head Of Department” will provide root cause of non compliance and corrective & preventive action(s).
  3. Review Site Inspection by Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team : "Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” will review observations once approved by HOD. “Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” will provide corrective & preventive action(s).
  4. Review Effectiveness : The effectiveness of the actions will be reviewed by Plant HS Head Or Plant Env Head, EHS MR upon completion of corrective & preventive action.

Note :

  • Any of the user from the “Fire Fighting, Environment, EHSMS and Admin, Health, Safety” roles can conduct site inspection.
  • “Head of Department” will review the observations and provide cause of non-compliance and corrective & preventive action(s).
  • “Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” will review the observations and provide corrective & preventive action(s).


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  1. Login as “Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” and go to Site Inspection | Report Site Inspection screen.
  2. Provide Department, Location/Sub Location and other mandatory fields. (Department, Location/ Sub-Location will be displayed automatically when first 3 characters are typed)
  3. Provide Site Inspection findings.
  4. If “Corrective & Preventive Actions Required” is selected as “Yes” then user need to add “Corrective & Preventive Actions” details. Click “Action to be Taken” button to add action item details and save.
  5. Click “Submit” button to save the data and send the inspection report for review to “Head of Department”.

Note :

  • Inspection shall be reported by “Plant HS Team/ Plant Env Team”.
  • The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
  • Employee must select “Plant” from drop down list if the employee is belong to multiple site.