Site Inspection
Objective: It allows user to conduct and record observations found during site inspection for a particular location in a plant & recommend action items in the system.
Below steps to be followed to complete a site inspection report:
- Conduct Site Inspection : Inspection shall be conducted against location by “Plant HS Team/ Plant Env Team” which includes includes Fire Fighting, Environment, EHSMS and Admin, Health, Safety Role.
- Review Site Inspection by HOD : "Head Of Department” will review observations once it’s reported. “Head Of Department” will provide root cause of non compliance and corrective & preventive action(s).
- Review Site Inspection by Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team : "Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” will review observations once approved by HOD. “Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” will provide corrective & preventive action(s).
- Review Effectiveness : The effectiveness of the actions will be reviewed by Plant HS Head Or Plant Env Head, EHS MR upon completion of corrective & preventive action.
Note :
- Any of the user from the “Fire Fighting, Environment, EHSMS and Admin, Health, Safety” roles can conduct site inspection.
- “Head of Department” will review the observations and provide cause of non-compliance and corrective & preventive action(s).
- “Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” will review the observations and provide corrective & preventive action(s).
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- Login as “Plant HS Team Or Plant Env Team” and go to Site Inspection | Report Site Inspection screen.
- Provide Department, Location/Sub Location and other mandatory fields. (Department, Location/ Sub-Location will be displayed automatically when first 3 characters are typed)
- Provide Site Inspection findings.
- If “Corrective & Preventive Actions Required” is selected as “Yes” then user need to add “Corrective & Preventive Actions” details. Click “Action to be Taken” button to add action item details and save.
- Click “Submit” button to save the data and send the inspection report for review to “Head of Department”.
Note :
- Inspection shall be reported by “Plant HS Team/ Plant Env Team”.
- The fields marked with * are mandatory to be filled.
- Employee must select “Plant” from drop down list if the employee is belong to multiple site.